Screen Reference Index
Plato Documentation  version 0.9, 2014.02.14
 Screen Reference Index    Class Library, Settings
Plato Screens: Overview
Database Screens
Database, Concordance (Main View)
Database, Concordance (Profiles)
Database, Concordance (Settings)
Database, Concordance (Statistics)
Database, Cross Reference Display (Main)
Database, Cross Reference Display (Maps)
Database, Cross Reference Edit (Assigning Cross References)
Database, Cross Reference Edit (Change Object Class)
Database, Cross Reference Edit (Clear Cross References)
Database, Cross Reference Edit (Copy/move to Database)
Database, Cross Reference Edit (Copy/move to Folder)
Database, Bookmark Pane
Database, Clusters, Display
Database, Clusters, Edit
Database, Clusters, Notes
Database, Export Pane
Database, Graphics Pane
Database, Lookup Pane (Bookmarks)
Database, Lookup Pane (Cross References)
Database, Lookup Pane (Folders)
Database, Lookup Pane (Hyperlinks)
Database, Lookup Pane (Lists)
Database, Lookup Pane (Note Search)
Database, Lookup Pane (Object Word Profile)
Database, Lookup Pane (Parent Folders)
Database, Lookup Pane (Validation Lists)
Database, Lookup Pane (Words in Concordance)
Database, Lookup Pane (Words in Object)
Database, Main Screen
Database, Maintenance Pane
Database, Properties, Backups
Database, Properties, Description
Database, Properties, Display
Database, Properties, General Stats
Database, Properties, Inheritance
Database, Properties, Memory Stats
Database, Properties, Object Attribute Stats
Database, Properties, Object Class Stats
Database, Properties, Omit Lists
Database, Properties, Validation
Database, Scripts Pane
Database, View Pane (Categories, Multi-dimensional)
Database, View Pane (Categories, Single Hierarchies)
Database, View Pane (Cross Reference Hierarchies)
Database, View Pane (Folders and Other Views)
Database, View Pane (Subdirectories and Files)
Database, Script Pane (Find and Replace)
Database, Script Pane (Markup Templates)
Database, Script Pane (Messages)
Database, Script Pane (Script Name, Type)
Database, Script Pane (Script Output)
Database, Script Pane (Script Scope)
System Configuration Screens
System Configuration (Colors)
System Configuration (Default Lists)
System Configuration (Display Templates)
System Configuration (Editors)
System Configuration (Elements)
System Configuration (File Templates)
System Configuration (Messages)
System Configuration (Paths)
System Configuration (Report Templates)
System Configuration (Signatures)
System Configuration (User Variables)
Class Library Screens
Class Library, Categories
Class Library, Change Impact
Class Library, Class Attributes
Class Library, Main Screen
Class Library, Markup
Class Library, Markup Editor, Autoenumerators
Class Library, Markup Editor, Export Class Library
Class Library, Markup Editor, Export Database
Class Library, Markup Editor, Object Import
Class Library, Markup Editor, Xref Maps
Class Library, Markup Editor, Tags
Class Library, Object Classes
Class Library, Settings
Class Library, Transfer
 Screen Description  Screen elements
This pane displays some general class library settings. These settings control the class library description, file format, and security. To save any changes you make here, click the 'save' button at the bottom left of the window.
How do I get here 
From the main class library screen, press the 'properties' button on the toolbar.

 name  type  action
Check for Duplicates button, command command
Command button that runs a utility that checks all object classes, attributes, and markup for duplicate IDs and allows you to correct them if found.
Class library statistics label (read only) view
This is a read-only field that displays the following class library stastistics:
 --Number of object classes
 --Number of class attributes
 --Number of markup items
 --Number of object classifications
Description text field property
Brief description of the class library.
Edit Markup Families button, command command
Command button that invokes a data-entry pane that allows you to edit the markup families list.
Enforce unique names check box property
If checked, Plato will force each object class, attribute, or markup to have a unique name. Note that Plato internally distinguishes by the markup, attribues, or object's ID, which is assigned by Plato and is unique. For this reason it doesn't matter if the name is unique. However, items with the same name may be difficult or impossible to distinguish in drop down lists and other user interface elements, so by checking this you can save yourself the pain of this confusion. The default is 'checked'.
Mandatory object attributes list, checklist property
Items checked here become mandatory attributes for any object classes you create (i.e., you will not be allowed to create a new object without this minimum set of attributes).
Protect from delete (attributes) list, checklist property
Items checked here are object attributes that cannot be deleted.
Protect from delete (markup) list, checklist property
Items checked here are markup items that cannot be deleted.
Protect from delete (objects) list, checklist property
Items checked here are object classes that cannot be deleted.
Protect from edit (attributes) list, checklist property
Items checked here are object attributes that cannot be edited.
Protect from edit (markup) list, checklist property
Items checked here are markup items that cannot be edited.
Protect from edit (objects) list, checklist property
Items checked here are object classes that cannot be edited.
Protect Plato reserved items check box property
If checked, Plato reserved items will be protected from editing and hidden from the security settings. The default is 'checked'.
Save library as memory image check box property
Checking this box will cause Plato to save the class library file as a memory image instead of in text form. Files saved as memory images will save and load much faster than text files. On the other hand, memory image files are not editable outside of Plato so if they should become corrupt for some reason they cannot be salvaged.
Security Settings list, drop down command
On the right hand side of the window are several sets of security settings. The security parameter in listed in the drop down list above the checkmark list. Checking items in the checkmark list will enable the selected security parameter for the checked item.
Title text field property
Title of the class library.
This page last updated on 2014.04.08